

The Early Music Studio

Policies and Guidelines 


• Payment options 

•Enrollment/Registration Fees

•Attendance Policy

• Referral Credits

• Refunds
• Job of the parent 

• Sickness Policy 

• Media Release Policy 




Payment is due by the first class (ACW After School Class and Mini Maestros Summer Camp payments are due 2 weeks after registration, unless otherwise indicated or if you have arranged a payment schedule. Please note: When you register for a session, you are committing to the full semester; there is no pay-as-you-go. This is to preserve the educational value of the program. No refunds will be given unless a family moves out of the greater Portland area mid-session.

Enrollment/Registration Fees

A one time registration Fee of $25 will be added to the invoices of all new family registrations.

Tuition is due by the first class in order to participate.

Attendance Policy

You have the option of attending another class for a make-up class if you miss your regularly scheduled class - but you must notify us of the absence in advance AND notify us in advance to arrange the make-up. 


Referral Credit

We are very happy to give $25 credit to each family who refers another family who commits to a full 13-week semester and pays in full. Referral credits will be credited for the following semester (e.g. If the referred family signs up in Fall, the family who referred the new family will receive their credit in Winter). For a shorter session, such as Summer Session, the same policies apply except that the referral credit is $15 because of the session length. Thank you for your referrals!

The job of the parent
(Applies to only our Family and Parent + Child classes)

Parents are an integral part of class in the younger years. As students get older, they participate by themselves, but parents take part in the classes towards the end of each lesson. Our Toddler and Preschool classes are designed for parental involvement and we see this crucial bonding time as an opportunity to help your child grow in confidence with you closeby.  Our ACW After School Classes are designed for the student. The parent/carer's role is to support their child’s learning at home using the home materials.

Class Size

We need a minimum of 5 children enrolled in each class so that it is a "go" for a session. Maximum class size is 12 students. Our minimum for summer camp is 9 and our maximum camp size is 16 students.

Class Materials

For Musikgarten semesters, teachers will hand out materials during the first week of class. Each booklet contains a CD and an access code for a digital download of the song recordings. There may be additional materials associated with each age level (song books, instruments, animal cards, note cards, etc.). The books and recordings are for home use, so you and your child become more familiar with the songs and activities we do in class. 


In Class and Camp Participation Expectations


We love to observe and respect the different ways that children respond to music. Our classes are structured and not set up for open free-play. If your child’s expression happens to become disruptive to class, we may give you a signal to ask for help in redirecting him/her. Our camps offer a less structured way to interact with 

musical concepts during play, and will also offer more structured segments 

such as during regular music classes. 

Children will react to the class in different ways, whether through moving their bodies, being quiet and reserved, or participating fully. They will be much more motivated to join in if they see their grownup doing so, so please dance and sing along with us 

if you are with us!


Please try to be on time. We sit on the floor, so wear comfortable clothing and remove your shoes. Please leave food, toys, pacifiers, drinks, etc. at home or in a diaper bag. If needed, please step into the hallway for a little break. 


Weather Policy

If the Beaverton School District is closed due to bad weather, we will also be closed. Every attempt will be made to make up for missed classes. In the case of weather getting worse in the afternoon, we may cancel evening classes and will post such on the website and social media pages; every attempt will be made to call or text families involved (we use the Remind App for texting) 



We do NOT close for all holidays. Check our Calendar or with your teacher for specific holidays (i.e. Columbus Day, Martin Luther King Day, Presidents' Day, etc.) Here is a list of holidays we are closed: Thanksgiving and Christmas.

Loss or Injury

The Early Music Studio is not responsible for any loss or injury incurred while participating in the program. Signature on the registration form or the submission of an online registration acknowledges that The Early Music Studio is released from all liability, including, but not limited to liability resulting from anyone’s negligence. Signature or electronic registration also constitutes acknowledgement that the parent or care-giver agrees to indemnify and hold harmless The Early Music Studio from any liability, costs or claims, related either directly or indirectly to participation in a program offered by The Early Music Studio, including legal or medical expenses incurred for the participant’s benefit. 



Please realize that all children learn at different rates and in different ways. Some children will be quiet in class, others will be active. Some children will do everything perfectly at home, but not in class. The caregiver’s job in class is to play and have fun with your child, and ensure his/her safety as well as that of other children in the class. As a parent, you know that every child is unique, so leave your comparisons at the door, and let the music work its magic!

Sickness/Covid Policy

• We are committed to creating a safe class environment for families. We believe every family has various levels of health needs & concerns, and that parents should act on what is best for the safety of their family. 

• If you or your child experience symptoms of any illness or lice/nits, please stay home until feeling better or treated.

• Please wash your hands before entering or use the hand sanitizer in the studio. 

• Because of the nature of our classes and the need for facial expression/communication for students with speech delays, etc. some instructors will not wear a mask depending on their health and family situation.


• Please be considerate & respectful of the other families in class who may have more serious health needs or concerns. 

• If you have specific questions or concerns concerning sickness policies feel free to contact your teacher.


Media Release

The Early Music Studio sometimes takes photographs, audio or video footage for promotional and/or advertising purposes.  Also any letters, e-mails, and other written material made by you and addressed to us such as letters of recommendations, testimonials about our program, etc. may also be used proudly to appear in our printed publications, on our website, or on our Facebook page. The Early Music Studio will never include full names of any child or adult in an image or video, on our website, Facebook or printed publications.  We will not include any personal information of the children on our photos, videos, websites, Facebook or printed publications.  

We respect your family's privacy concerns, so if you do not want any of your child's personal information (photos, videos, audio, quotes) to appear on our website, social media account or printed material, you have the right to opt out.  To opt out, please let us know that you would like to Opt-Out stating that you do not want any of your or your child's personal information (photos, videos, audio, quotes) to be used by The Early Music Studio.  This written notice will be valid for the year in which your child is enrolled. 

Photos generated by parents:

We ask that parents who take photos, video, or audio recordings at school or at school functions that INCLUDE CHILDREN OTHER THAN THEIR OWN not be posted to any social networking site including, but not limited to Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, text messages or emails.